We carry a full range of Heartworm, Flea Control, Combination, and arthritis medications:
We also carry Hill’s Prescription Diets, Purina Prescription Diets, and Royal Canin Prescription Diets.
- Heartworm:
- Heartguard Plus
- Iverheart Plus
- Iverheart Max (for tapeworms)
- Sentinel
- Heartworm and Flea Combination:
- Trifexus
- Revolution (this product has a buy 6, get 1 free promotion)
- Flea/Tick:
- Frontline Plus (this product has a buy 6, get 1 free promotion)
- Advantage
- Advantix
- Promerius
- Revolution for cats (this product has a buy 6, get 1 free promotion)
- Comfortis
- Arthritis:
- Dasaquin
- Rimadyl
- Metacam
- Previcox
- Deramaxx